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My Scar is Beautiful
Inspired by the author's daughter who was born with a congenital heart defect (CHD), My Scar is Beautiful is perfect for anyone with a scar, no matter their age, or how the scar came to be. Filled with positive affirmations and colorful illustrations, readers will be empowered to wear their scar with pride and confidence. My Scar is Beautiful reminds readers of all the reasons to love their scar.
Mi cicatriz es hermosa (Spanish Edition)
Inspirado por la hija de la autora, que nació con una cardiopatÃa congénita, Mi cicatriz es hermosa es el libro perfecto para cualquier persona, de cualquier edad, que tenga una cicatriz, sin importar cuál sea su origen. Lleno de afirmaciones positivas e ilustraciones coloridas, los lectores se sentirán animados a llevar su cicatriz con orgullo y confianza. Mi cicatriz es hermosa recuerda a sus lectores de todos los motivos por los que les encanta su cicatriz. Como ventaja adicional, los niños disfrutarán de buscar todas las cicatrices escondidas entre las páginas del libro.
Category Finalist
Children's Inspirational/Motivational Category

"Each sentence in this outstanding children's book is as beautifully crafted as the artwork that accompanies it. The author delivers a meaningful message with each page, empowering children to view their scar as a badge of honor. "My beautiful scar reminds me . . . I can survive any storm that comes my way." This book is not just for children. Teenagers and young adults could find strength in its concepts. It is not surprising to read that the author was inspired by travelling this journey with her own child."
- Deby Eisenberg, Author
"My daughter purchased My Scar is Beautiful for my grandson. She cried when she read it and I did too. It struck a chord with us. It’s an absolutely beautiful book."
Marcia G., Grandma to 6 month old with CHD
My Scar Is Beautiful is a wonderfully written and illustrated book that is so supportive and inspirational for anyone with a scar, either physical or emotional. Written at a child’s level, the messages and lessons in this book easily relate and extend to adults as well. It is such a simple message that can be overlooked and yet this book hits a home run!"
Anonymous Amazon Reviewer
About the Author
Caryn Shender is a proud mom whose daughter was born with ALCAPA, an extremely rare CHD that affects 1:300,000 births. Caryn personally understands the emotional impact a scar can have. She lives with her husband, daughter, cat and dog, all of whom give her inspiration and joy. Making a difference has always been a driving force for Caryn. She hopes My Scar is Beautiful serves as a positive resource for anyone with a beautiful scar.
Upon returning home from the hospital, even after everything she'd been through, her daughter was still the best baby. Rarely fussy, always smiling and happy. So when she would cry, Caryn didn't know if it was heart was still in pain or if it was nightmares of what she'd been through, or if she was now just a normal 6 month old. She'd stay up just watching the monitor to make sure she was breathing. She dove into reading everything about sleep and she quickly realized the impact getting better sleep had on her and her daughter. She was inspired to help others, becoming a certified pediatric sleep specialist and coach and founder of Sleep Tight Tonight.